Tuesday, July 31, 2007


i love reformhaus. i can buy ang-friendly bread and crackers and pizza crust and soy milk at reformhaus and that makes me happy. yes, plain crackers make me happy. i almost cried when i got back from turkey (i.e. hell) and saw crackers in my cupboard. anyways, i also noticed that reformhaus carries gluten-free german-style pretzels and thought it fitting to at least try the oktoberfest staple before i leave (and while we're on the topic of leaving - don't ask me about it. it sucks. i don't want to leave. i don't want to go back to school. i don't want to move back to winnipeg even though i love the city. yes, i want to see my best girls and my family, but in all honesty i would prefer a short holiday there as opposed to living there another two years. there, that's all i'm saying on the topic because it is depressing). back to better things, namely german bread. so, i bought the over-priced aufbackbrezeln, and even splurged on €3 gluten-free beer to make my experience complete. yup, had a little bier and brezel picnic and it was lovely. sun was shining, company was delightful, warm, doughy pretzels were eaten, cold beer was sipped. here's the photographic evidence:


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