Sunday, April 27, 2008

winnipeg in march. ugh...

march is the absolute worst time of the year in the prairies. winter is mostly over and all you're left with is dirty snow and the 'it's too warm to wear my parka and too cold to wear my spring jacket' dilemma. this march was made a little bit better by the spring break my school practicum afforded me, and a lot better thanks to a three week visit from christoph.

leo mol + christoph

bandit playing the snow
checking out her newly arrived little brother

vying for some attention
winnipeg art gallery
good ol' wesley hall at the u of w

a frozen butterscotch river

st. boniface cathedral
a highly controversial and therefore hidden statue of louis riel
the kiddies take over the ice at the mts centre

i'm a happy camper at one of my favourite places in the whole world