Friday, July 25, 2008
2006 Flashback
Fussballfieber hit Germany hard this past June, much like it did when they played host to the World Cup two years ago. This time around it was the Bergtour in Austria and Switzerland that led to German flags being hung from windows and cars and painted on faces. The Euro Championship is considered by many to be an even more prestigious title to win than being crowned world champions because the competition overall is much stiffer.
It was a shaky start for the German national team. Slow and not always steady they made it to the final against Spain. While silver isn't bad, it isn't gold. I am by no means an expert, but from the calibre of play displayed, Spain did deserve to win. My complaint: that goal was not the kind of goal that should lead to being crowned European champions. And sucking your thumb after you score a goal?! Eww.
Here are a few pictures of happier times, namely Germany's win over Turkey.

It was a shaky start for the German national team. Slow and not always steady they made it to the final against Spain. While silver isn't bad, it isn't gold. I am by no means an expert, but from the calibre of play displayed, Spain did deserve to win. My complaint: that goal was not the kind of goal that should lead to being crowned European champions. And sucking your thumb after you score a goal?! Eww.
Here are a few pictures of happier times, namely Germany's win over Turkey.