Saturday, June 17, 2006

Burg & Schloss Day

With another Feiertag in Bavaria and no uni for Ang, Helena and I decided to have a Burg and Schloss day. Our plan was to head up to Altenburg in the morning (before the uphill, shade-less hike became unbearable), but our morning ended up being noon. So the uphill, shade-less hike took place in at least 35˚ heat. Na ja, the view from Altenburg was worth it. After our descent back into Bamberg’s Altstadt, we thought, hey, let’s hop on a not-air conditioned bus and ride it for half an hour out to Schloss Seehof. I think it was about 50˚ in the bus. We took some pictures, had ourselves a little picnic by the lake, then found some shade before we melted in the sun.

Bamberg's "Klein Venedig"

We found one tree and a bench about half way up to Altenburg and took a moment to enjoy its reprieve

Schloss Seehof


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