Sunday, June 24, 2007

am i too anal?!?

i know i'm a bit of a neat freak. my roommate readily admits she is not. i really like my roommate, but this cleanliness issue has caused some problems. for example, i'm grossed out when i take a glass out of the cupboard and there is still lip gloss on it. or when i take a fork out of the drawer and there are bits of food stuck to it. kinda gross, non? dirty dishes in the cupboard make me shake my head and force me to wash more than my fair share of dishes, but dirty bathrooms are another issue. when the bathroom in my own home, in which i am supposed to wash myself, is dirty, i can't handle it.
this is the story of thursday night:
my roommate had plans to go out. she was in the middle of her two hour long get ready session in the bathroom when i left to go watch a movie. when i came home a few hours later, i was faced - and not for the first time - with the aftermath of her marathon get ready session. it was disgusting. DISGUSTING. see pictures 1 and 2. that's our shower. our shower! where you're supposed to get clean and feel refreshed after stepping out!
thing is, it's not the first time it has looked like this. the last time was the night i got home from that nightmare of a vacation in turkey. i had been up for over 20 hours, and that after a week of feeling like i was dying and being too tired to walk any further than to the bathroom. not exactly in top form. i almost cried when i arrived at my front door, thinking the nightmare was over and things would be better at home. then i think i did cry when i walked into the bathroom and realised it was filthier than the hostel bathroom shared by like 200 girls. it looked just like the pics from thursday night. i cleaned the shower the second i saw it because i couldn't imagine leaving it the way it was.
but i am not my roommates mother or housekeeper. and on thursday, i was too mad to clean up after her again. so i left her a note saying she had to clean the shower. it wasn't a long, nasty note or anything. i simply said (it was definitely not a request and i didn't say please) she had to clean the shower because i didn't want to clean up after other people.
picture 3 is what i woke up to the next morning. i'm sorry, who on earth would call that clean?!? slightly less repulsive than it was the night before, but if you hadn't seen it the night before and walked into a shower looking like that, would you consider that clean? or would you still want to throw up? i think the neat freak in me is going to throw a violent temper tantrum if faced with a scene like this again.


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