Sunday, June 25, 2006

O, ist dass schön!

O, ist dass schön! O, ist dass schön! So was hat man lange nicht gesehen, wie schön, wie schön!

With the Round of 16 now behind them, Deutschland is on its way to the semi-finals against Argentina. My beloved Swedes were eliminated (tut mir wirklich leid, Helena!), but it makes for ganz gute Stimmung when the host nation does well. I really do hope Germany is in the final and only partly because maybe, just maybe that will mean one more Feiertag for Ang before she leaves Germany?!? Okay, unlikely, but I do love those Feiertage. Here are some pics of the game which we watched at FT Beach (they build a beach - complete with cocktail canteen, sand and beach chairs - along one of the grassy river banks in Bamberg. And while it's on the river bank, there's dense bush and a steep bank preventing any access to water. Sehr komisch. But that's a whole other story...) Enjoy!

Oh-so-cool Wes & Monika

Romina & Ang celebrating goal #2

Something tells me Chris would love Germany...

Would you take German cops seriously?! This one painted his face while on duty, and when I was in Munich I saw a police officer wearing sunglasses where the lenses were German flags. Wish I had had my camera ready

Berlin, Berlin, wir fahren nach Berlin!


Blogger Romina said...

Berlin, Berlin, wir fahren nach Berlin!!! Haha, i really like it how you put several german words in your text, makes it more interesting for the english-speakers to read ;-)

26/6/06 00:45  

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