Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Ich hab mein Herz in Heidelberg verloren

Who remembers where that schmaltzy little saying is from? Anyone who was in the German bilingual program with me has to remember those posters on the walls all the way from K-12. I finally made it to the Univeristätsstadt, and just in time to celebrate Canada Day with fellow Canuck, Christine. We hiked up to the castle in the hot hot heat, swam in the Neckar river (okay, stuck our feet in and watched the people who were swimming), did some shopping, watched some soccer, watched some movies (uh, don't go see Klimt), ate delicious food, drank even more delicious coffee, talked about our uncertain futures and very much enjoyed the company of another Canadian. Es war echt sauber (in honour of Benni ;).

Here it is: the oldest German university on German soil

I can't wait to be in a whole country full of these (Canadians)
Que saudades

Christine & Ang

The ruins at Heidelberg castle


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